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I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him.

Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.  Romans 15:13 NLT


The Confident Hope Curriculum is a biblically based course, that answers fundamental questions, while helping you understand yourself, and relate to others. Throughout the curriculum we use a tree analogy, complete with a root system, trunk, branches, leaves, and environment, as we examine various areas of your life.  In each section you are taught practical skills and given opportunities for real life practice.  The curriculum is designed to be used as a tool in individual counseling or taught in small groups.


GOD, IDENTITY AND PURPOSE.  In this section we answer questions about God, and develop fundamental truths, from which we will be able to use to anchor our selves when life gets chaotic, and things are uncertain.  Some of the questions we address are:  Who is God?  Why should I trust or believe Him?  What does He want me to do?  What does he think about me?  We also address issues like:  What is your true identity and What is your purpose in life?  With these questions answered you will be prepared to securely move forward to develop a better understanding of yourself.


INTERNAL CORE, THOUGHTS, FEELINGS, BEHAVIORS.  In this section we explore some of our personal experiences, values and memories.  These are things that are unique to each one of us as individuals.  We then examine some of the "whys" behind our thoughts, feelings and behaviors.  As we carefully examine each area we discuss our needs, as well as our "rights and responsibilities".  We also learn practical skills for managing the areas in which we struggle in our internal world.  We address things like dealing with depression, anxiety, painful memories, bad habits and addictions. 


RELATIONAL SKILLS.  In this section we improve our skills in relating to other individuals.  We cover topics such as communication, boundaries, conflict resolution, acceptance, expectations, love and forgiveness.   We offer practical steps on how to implement these things in your life and relationships.  


RELATIONSHIPS.  In this section we look at the different roles and relationships in your life.  Here we evaluate our relationships and our roles:  Which relationships are healthy, thriving and doing well? Which in need of care and tending? Which ones to be end?  For each answer we learn specific skills to to take the necessary actions. 


CIRCUMSTANCES AND COMMUNITY.  Sometimes there are things that are outside of our control that are influencing our situations.  Here we explore contributing factors that are influencing your growth development.  We  learn strategies for coping with the things we cannot change and examine available resources, opportunities, and options.  

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